We're so happy we found you!
GEGGLE as our initiative and as a brand aims to empower and bring smiles to the faces of those diagnosed with Celiac disease through our wide variety of healthy and nutritious gluten-free offerings. We actively promote the idea that a Gluten free diet doesn't necessarily have to be a hindrance in your way of living, but can be exceptionally enriching nonetheless. Our gluten-free products manufactured in a dedicated facility offer numerous health benefits, foster ideal body weight, and are exceptionally good for diabetic and heart patients as well.
It was in the year 2009, that we first heard the word Celiac when our daughter, the Heart of GEGGLE, was diagnosed with it. As parents, we had not only felt lost, but also helpless. But it wasn't the end of the world and we did all that we could: from attending numerous seminars, spending hours on the internet researching, meeting with the best doctors, to ordering gluten testing kits from abroad, we did it all. Our grit and unrelenting struggle through it all has been a driving force in manifesting GEGGLE, our homegrown sacred vocation.
With the spirit of collaboration at the heart of the brand, at GEGGLE, we cheer good health and empower change. We strive to give you premium quality gluten-free goods that are wholesome in taste and texture, loaded with unbound love and are baked for you with the highest standards in place.
GEGGLE will roll out the goodness of global standards from our manufacturing facility in Uttarakhand, India. Our Premium Gluten-free Multigrain Flour offering is made with the finest ingredients in collaboration with India's prestigious Institution Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Mumbai.
While we’re consistently baking the good stuff, we promise to bring you more innovation, taste, and variety in our breads, muffins, cakes, and snacks based on your valuable feedback.
At GEGGLE we strongly believe that healthy, nutritious, and delicious food is not a choice but an imperative. We aspire to improve individual Quality of Life for the larger benefit of society by offering products that are not only an enriching gluten-free alternative but also boost and nurture healthy growth and lifestyle.